Sunday, May 27, 2007
it's been a long time since i blogged(x
school holidays have started:D
not like it's much of a holiday to me anw, with OBS and stuff):
went to marina sq with weiting today:DD
and we used up the Billy Bombers voucher,
their servings are HUGE.
we were like, o.o.
naturally, we didn't finish our meal(x
and when the bill came, i was like '$50+?!?!'
when it was supposed to be like, $20.
in the end we paid $20+ cause they forgot we had a voucher-.-''
then we went to arcade, bishi bash was SUPER fun:DD
so was time crisis, but didn't managed to pass stage one-.-''
haven't played in a looong time x.x
bought a few things too, like two books (PS. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern and Deception Point by Dan Brown), black glittery shorts from puremilk, a necklace from Diva etc.
in total, i spent about like $80+ O.O
so i'm officially broke now.
it's scary how much you can spend in one shopping centreD:
we walked for about six hours, and our legs felt like breaking-.-
but anyway, today was great:D
over and out 11:54 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
stayed up till 3am last night to finish reading 'Girl Meets Ape' by Chris Manby, so i was super tired this morn x.x
nice book anw(:
got back english and chinese exam today,
could've done better.
and i could have gotten an A for chinese if i finished those stupid compre qns!!
and mrs rupa didn't come for lit lesson for the last two periods,
so i spent the one hr sleeping with my head on the table
when i finally woke up i got a shock,
cause the classroom was 3/4 empty,
and the time was 1.50pm o.o
i was like 'whoa i slept for so long?!'
and casandra said that she tried waking me up but i didn't even budge an inch-.-''
this shows how tired i am.
and joey said this reminded her of the time where i fell asleep after doing hmt test last year and i drooled
the class and teacher saw it, so embarrasing lah
tomorrow is DOOMS DAY.DD:
sundays are always the exciting day of the week(:
this sunday- shopping at vivocity + piano concert at night
next sunday- shopping at town with celine(:
anyway serene, sorry about tuesday!D:
shall pick another date to go out sometime ok?(:
over and out 6:14 PM
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
today is a happy day(:
except the part where i fell asleep during chem lesson-.-''
was super duper tiredD:
can't wait for this sunday- shopping with weiting at vivo and piano concert(:
and let me say this again,
i love linkin park's new album- minutes to midnight:DD
esp the song 'given up'
mike's vocals are superb, esp when he managed to shout for a looong time
'bleed it out' is a nice song too:D
things to do:
- tidy study room
- finish watching grey's anatomy
- get my tablet fixed
over and out 7:46 PM
Monday, May 14, 2007
i'm freaking tired now
rushed to school in the morn for the kids central filming thing, thought i was the only one who was late.
turned out i met jess on the same bus too(x
the filiming was... horrible.
all of us were starved, tired and cold in the room.
and most of the time was spent waiting around.
but then, mrs leo bought us pizzas, so it wasn't that bad xD
ended at around twelve plus,
then liu xin and me went to town
walked around orchard a lot- heeren, cineleisure, centerpt, ps.
finally bought audi a-cash card(:
went to this fashion to shop for awhile too
after that went to mum's clinic to meet her
she was so shocked when i went in, didn't expect me to go at that time(x
then went for dinner, celeb dad's birthday(:
and my mum and i went to walk ard amk hub(decided to go vivo some other time xD)
bought two shirts, and some... personal stuff xD
omg, and some woman thought i was a saleskeeper in IP zone -.-''
cause i was folding back the shirts i took to wore
then the woman beside me asked ''how much does this shirt cost?'
i was like '???'
and i went 'ehh sorry, i'm not a saleskeeper here....'
do i look like one anw-.-''
and now my feet hurts cause i walked too much-.-''
over and out 11:57 PM
Friday, May 11, 2007
ok, i'm finally back.
i feel sorry for my blog, since it's been stagnant for such a long time.
the good news is,
myes are OVER.
the BAD news is,
my tablet's keyboard is spoiled cause my freakin' sis accidentally spilled some milk on it this morn-.-''
wednesday was fun(:
went out with about 12 of 2S1'06 ppl to cine
ate pasta mania and watched spiderman three
really nice show.
not forgetting those hilarious parts
gonna watch 200 pounds beauty next:D
thursday and friday was kinda bad.
had a huge big bad headache on thurs morn all the way till today.
and i had to stand in the sun and watch the other ppl play powerball.
luckily i didn't play or else i think i'd have fainted-.-''
thursday was spent listening to talks... and MORE talks.
practically slept through the whole thing.
today was better, but not SO fun
oh well, sitting with anne WAS fun:D
but the 'tour guide' we got wasn't so good.
we had a fun time screaming our heads off in the room at Bukit Chandu thingy.
and anne kept grabbing my hand throughout the whole thing-.-''
hahaha, i appreciate being your comfort-er though(x
the blinking red lights in the rm were making me dizzy,
so i closed my eyes,
and nearly fell asleep-.-''
now that myes r over, i'm spending my days
- slacking
- watching grey's anatomy season two (NICE SHOW:DD)
- currently waiting to be able to play Sims 2
- playing audition
and i want to have a shopping spree at VIVOCITY(:
my parents went on a 'date'...!!! O.O
can't say it's a romantic date(x
and my sister's in europe now,
happily enjoying herself there with her friends.
but still, i miss her(:
2S1'06 BBQ tml!!
zomg, can't wait:DDDDD
over and out 10:13 PM